Sunday, February 28, 2010

Clinical Neuroanatomy by Richard S Snell, 7th ed, 2010

Clinical Neuroanatomy, 7th ed, 2010
Richard S Snell
ISBN-10: 0781794277
ISBN-13: 978-0781794275
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Organized classically by system, this popular text gives medical and health professions students a complete, clinically oriented introduction to neuroanatomy. Each chapter begins with clear objectives, includes clinical cases, and ends with clinical notes, clinical problem-solving, and review questions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations, diagnostic images, and color photographs enhance the text. This Seventh Edition features new information relating the different parts of the skull to the brain areas, expanded coverage of brain development and neuroplasticity, and updated information on stem cell research. A companion Website includes the fully searchable text and 454 USMLE-style review questions with answers and explanations.



Netter's Atlas of Human Physiology, 1st ed, 2002

Netter's Atlas of Human Physiology, 1st ed, 2002
John T. Hansen, Bruce M. Koeppen
ISBN-10: 1929007019
ISBN-13: 978-1929007011

Atlas provides the student of physiology a clear and concise summary and review of the major principles of organ system physiology. Organized by system and includes graphs, tables, schematics, and an abundance of full-color illustrations.



McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy CD-ROM

McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy CD-ROM
Peter H. Abrahams, Sandy C. Marks, Ralph T. Hutchings
ISBN-10: 0723432120
ISBN-13: 9780723432128



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Orthopaedic Medicine: A Practical Approach, 2nd ed, 2005

Orthopaedic Medicine: A Practical Approach, 2nd ed, 2005
Monica Kesson, Elaine Atkins
ISBN-10: 0750655631
ISBN-13: 978-0750655637

A practical textbook on orthopaedic medicine, this complete reference source provides the most up-to-date principals and practice in orthopaedic medicine for students, postgraduates students and medical practioners. * New two colour format
* Evidence-based approach
* Injection techniques and manual techniques included
* Extensively illustrated



Goodwin and Guze ’s Psychiatric Diagnosis, 6th ed, 2010

Goodwin and Guze ’s Psychiatric Diagnosis, 6th ed, 2010
Carol North, Sean Yutzy.
ISBN-10: 0195144295
ISBN-13: 978-0195144291
Oxford University Press, USA

Well-known for providing a thorough yet concise view of the natural history of basic psychiatric disorders, this popular text has been extensively updated, chapter by chapter, in this sixth edition. Terminology has been made consistent with DSM-IV-TR and updates made to include recent genetic and neurobiological findings. In the classification of psychiatric disorders, new data on follow-up and family/genetic studies, confirming and extending previous research, are provided. As in previous editions, each chapter systematically covers the definition, historical background, epidemiology, clinical picture, natural history, complications, family studies, differential diagnosis, and clinical management of each disorder.



Manual of Intensive Care Medicine, 5th ed. 2010

Manual of Intensive Care Medicine, 5th ed. 2010
(Spiral Manual Series)
Richard S Irwin and James M. Rippe
ISBN-10: 0781799929
ISBN-13: 978-0781799928
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Completely rewritten and updated for the Fifth Edition, this Spiral Manual remains the leading quick-reference guide to both medical and surgical intensive care. The essential principles, protocols, and techniques from Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, Sixth Edition have been distilled into a portable, practical manual that is ideal for rapid bedside consultation. The user-friendly outline format features numerous tables, illustrations, and annotated references. Highlights of this Fifth Edition include a comprehensive overdoses and poisonings section presented in tabular format, new chapters on minimally invasive monitoring in the ICU, and completely revised cardiology and hematology sections.



Foot and Ankle in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2006

Foot and Ankle in Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2006
Maurice Bouysset, Yves Tourné, and Karl Tillmann
ISBN-10: 2287597573
ISBN-13: 978-2287597572

The extensive and detailed information about the diagnostic and the therapeutic problems of the disease are included. The essential data of pathomechanics are exposed and discussed. The chapters on pathology and therapeutics are approached through a clinical framework, accompanied by multiple photographs and offer classical and recent references. The topic of foot orthoses and shoes is easily understandable. The main notions on ankle prostheses are particularly exposed and discussed. The chapters are so clearly presented that they will interest non-specialists and specialists alike. In some of the areas of the treatment an extremely experienced author offers his point of view on the indications of the therapeutic approaches. This book will appeal to all specialists concerned by the knowledge of the foot and ankle in Rheumatoid Arthritis, whatever their areas of practice.



Catheter-Related Infections in the Critically Ill, 1st ed. 2004



Catheter-Related Infections in the Critically Ill, 2004
(Perspectives on Critical Care Infectious Diseases)
Naomi P. O'Grady, Didier Pittet.
ISBN-10: 1402080093
ISBN-13: 978-1402080098



Catheter-Related Infections in the Critically Ill provides an overview from an international perspective on intravascular catheters and the risk of infection. This volume highlights:
  • Epidemiology,
  • Diagnosis,
  • Impact of Infection,
  • Management and Treatment,
  • Prevention - including Education as the Primary Tool for Prevention.
The purpose of this book is to provide the practitioner with the most interesting and useful data in the field of catheter-related infection. It is hoped that the strategies to prevent infection detailed by the authors will be implemented and have a measurable impact in decreasing rates of infection in the intensive care unit setting.





Friday, February 26, 2010

Medical Retina: Focus on Retinal Imaging 1st ed. 2010

Medical Retina: Focus on Retinal Imaging
(Essentials in Ophthalmology)
Frank Gerhard Holz, Richard F. Spaide
ISBN-10: 3540855394
ISBN-13: 978-3540855392

The 8 recurring volumes of the "Essentials in Ophthalmology" series cover the most recent developments in one of eight subspecialties in Ophthalmology. With four volumes published per year, each subspecialty is newly visited every 24 months, with a distinct focus on recent developments. By bridging the gap between original research and medical textbooks, the transfer of this developing knowledge into daily practice is greatly enhanced. This volume focuses on retinal imaging, a quickly evolving field with numerous advances like Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).



American Diabetes Association: Complete Guide to Diabetes, 4th ed. 2005

American Diabetes Association: Complete Guide to Diabetes, 4th ed. 2005
ISBN-10: 1580402372
ISBN-13: 978-1580402378
American Diabetes Association

This well-designed, very clearly written compendium encourages diabetics "to mesh the day-to-day management of diabetes" into the routine of their lives. Chapters move from "What Is Diabetes?" (with discussion of causes and effects of Type I, Type II and gestational diabetes) to a glossary, an appendix on self-monitoring and injection techniques and a list of resources and organizations. The intervening chapters cover the means by which the goal of personal, daily diabetes management can most effectively be reached. One's personal physician, dentist, podiatrist, pharmacist and dermatologist are portrayed as members of a health-care team captained by the patient. Insulin types and use, glucose control, medications, test strips and blood-glucose meters (where to buy and how to use) are thoroughly examined. Intensive diabetes management (tight glucose control) rates its own chapter; "Diabetes and Sex" covers common problems encountered by both genders. Fitness and nutrition for the diabetic are considered, as are such complications as infections, retinopathy and neuropathy.



Diabetic Retinopathy, 1st ed. 2007

Diabetic Retinopathy, 2007
(Developments in Ophthalmology)
Gabriele E. Lang
ISBN-10: 3805582439
ISBN-13: 978-3805582438

Diabetic retinopathy (DR), damage of the blood vessels in the retina, is one of the problems that patients may face as a complication of diabetes and is, along with other diabetic eye diseases, the greatest single cause of blindness in developed countries. This publication starts with the description of the mechanisms of development and progression of diabetic macular edema and with the characterization of the early stages of DR. An innovative approach of multimedial mapping methods which enables to differentiate between three DR phenotypes is further described. The standards and novel approaches of laser treatment as well as current surgical options and treatment techniques are discussed. Additional contributions consider the pathology of diffuse macular edema and the implications for surgery, the treatment of DR with triamcinolone and its complications, and the application of somatostatin analogues. A new therapeutic approach is the use of vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors in diabetic macular edema. The volume concludes with articles on the latest concepts of posterior vitreous detachment by pharmacologic vitreolysis and the specific protein kinase C subtype ß inhibitor ruboxistaurin mesylate. To ophthalmologists and diabetes health care professionals interested in diabetic eye disease this book is an essential up-date.



Colour Atlas of Gross Pathology

Colour Atlas of Gross Pathology



ABC Of Allergies, 2nd ed.

ABC Of Allergies
(ABC Series)
Stephen R. Durham
ISBN-10: 0727912364
ISBN-13: 978-0727912367

The ABC of Allergies is a thorough and practical guide to the treatment and diagnosis of allergies. Now in its second edition, this fully revised and updated text contains information about all major allergies, including food allergies, adverse drug reactions, venom allergy, anaphylaxis and hay fever. Asthma, rhinitis and allergic skin and eye diseases are also covered in great depth and there are new chapters on latex allergy, allergy to local and general anaesthetic drugs and allergen immunotherapy.



Nonunion of the Long Bones: Diagnosis and treatment with compression-distraction techniques 2006

Nonunion of the Long Bones:
Diagnosis and treatment with compression-distraction techniques
Redento Mora, D. Paley
ISBN 10: 88-470-0408-X
ISBN 13: 978-88-470-0408-5

In 2%-7% of all bone fractures, union is delayed or fails. Nonunions of the bones represent a challenge for orthopedic surgeons and can have a severe psychological impact on these patients. Moreover, the social cost of managing these lesions, often requiring multiple procedures, may be very high, and complications related to improper treatment are not rare. This text is based on the development over many years of the devices and operative techniques of monofocal, bifocal, and multifocal compression-distraction osteosynthesis, in cooperation with the CITO Institute of Moscow and the LNIITO Institute of Riga, and on hundreds of operative procedures on noninfected and infected nonunions personally performed by the authors both in the former Soviet Union, Russia and Italy. The primary purpose of this book is to discuss currently available tools for diagnosing long bone nonunions, to illustrate the means of prevention, and to specify the indications for management using compression-distraction techniques.



Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sperm Collection and Processing Methods: A Practical Guide, 1st ed. 2003

Sperm Collection And Processing Methods - A Practical Guide
Rajasingam S. Jeyendran
ISBN-10: 0521524172
ISBN-13: 978-0521524179
Cambridge University Press

This practical guide to sperm collection and processing methods demonstrates the tremendous success of these procedures to help overcome infertility. This compilation, prepared by an interdisciplinary team of experts, will provide clinical and laboratory professionals from all areas of reproductive medicine with a comprehensive overview and a handy reference resource. Most sterility cases are now either treatable or entirely circumvented through various clinical techniques described in this volume, including surgical correction, hormone treatment, and various sperm enhancement technologies.



Male Fertility & Infertility, 2004

Male Fertility and Infertility, 2004
T. D. Glover, C. L. R. Barratt, Timothy D. Glover
ISBN-10: 0521104009
ISBN-13: 978-0521104005
Cambridge University Press



Strategies for Managing Multisystem Disorders, 1st ed. 2006

Strategies for Managing Multisystem Disorders, 1st ed. 2006
ISBN-10: 1582554234
ISBN-13: 978-1582554235
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Strategies for Managing Multisystem Disorders addresses disorders that require comprehensive, coordinated, integrated interventions to promote positive patient outcomes. This book is comprehensive in scope, providing information on over 80 disorders and other conditions that can impact these disorders such as trauma and pneumonia. Emphasis is on treatment and nursing interventions required when a patient is experiencing more than one disorder. Using a consistent format and highly visual approach, each disorder is described in detail, including information about incidence and risk factors, etiology, pathophysiology, and assessment findings. Each description also focuses on collaborative management that emphasizes multidisciplinary care measures.



Handbook of Diseases 3rd ed, 2004

Handbook of Diseases
ISBN-10: 1582552665
ISBN-13: 978-1582552668
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Pocket-sized reference lists more than 600 disease diseases, including etiology, signs and symptoms, current therapy, and follow-up care. Also features more than 150 less common disorders and addresses new bioterrorism concerns. Alphabetically arranged in bulleted format for quick reference.



Alarm Bells in Medicine: Danger Symptoms in Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Specialties 2005

Alarm Bells in Medicine:
Danger Symptoms in Medicine, Surgery and Clinical Specialties
Nadeem Ali
ISBN-10: 0727918192
ISBN-13: 978-0727918192

This is a valuable and well–edited collection of potentially serious speciality–specific symptoms. It is highly informative and should alert the reader to the ′alarm bells′ that may present in their clinical practice. The book shouls prove a valuable asset to the library of anyone involved in the practice of medicine including medical students, GPs and hospital doctors.



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Marks' Essential Medical Biochemistry, 2nd ed. 2007

Marks' Essential Medical Biochemistry, 2nd ed. 2007
Michael Lieberman, Allan Marks, Colleen Smith
ISBN-10: 0781793408
ISBN-13: 978-0781793407
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Based on the Second Edition of Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, Marks' Essentials of Medical Biochemistry has been streamlined to focus on only the most essential biochemical concepts important to medical students. The authors present facts and pathways to emphasize how the underlying biochemistry is related to the body's overall physiological functions. This text presents patients to the students as the biochemistry is being discussed, which strengthens the link between biochemistry and medicine and allows the student to learn about this interaction as the biochemistry is presented. Each chapter includes clinical and biochemical notes and comments, questions and answers to encourage further thinking, and suggested references for those who would like to pursue a particular topic in more depth.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Forensic Science an Illustrated Dictionary, 1st ed. 2004

Forensic Science an Illustrated Dictionary, 2004
John C. Brenner
ISBN-10: 0849314577
ISBN-13: 978-0849314575
CRC Press

Investigators, prosecutors, defense attorneys, professionals within the field of law enforcement, and other criminal justice personnel need to understand forensic terms when communicating with forensic scientists or interpreting forensic lab results.Forensic Science-An Illustrated Dictionary introduces commonly-used forensic terms, many of which are crucial to the interpretation and understanding of laboratory report findings.



Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 3rd ed. 2009

Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 3rd ed. 2009
Moselio Schaechter
ISBN-10: 012373939X
ISBN-13: 978-0123739391
Academic Press

This is a comprehensive and creative collection of reviews of every imaginable aspect of the microbial world from ABC transport to zoonoses. The scope, detail and organization of this four-volume set is truly remarkable. The editor provides the reader with a limitless supply of reference material for teaching purposes, research, or historical perspective. This encyclopedia is an all-encompassing reference to meet the needs of the diverse number of disciplines dealing with microorganisms, including public health and agricultural and industrial microbiology, to name a few. To this end, the text is a huge success as the editor has provided a balanced compendium of topics in which no discipline is short-changed. The organization of this book is a strong feature.



Encyclopedia of Virology, Five-Volume Set, 3rd ed. 2008


Encyclopedia of Virology, Five-Volume Set, 3rd ed.
B.W.J. Mahy, Marc H.V. van Regenmortel
ISBN-10: 0123739357
ISBN-13: 978-0123739353
Academic Press

Encyclopedia of Virology, Third Edition continues its success as the largest single reference source of current research in virology. Unique in its use of concise "mini-review" articles, this praised work covers biological, molecular, and medical topics concerning viruses in animals, plants, bacteria and insects. Now in five volumes, this new edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect the 50% increase in identified and accepted viruses since the year 2000. With over 25% new chapters and over 1000 illustrations, this edition takes into account the new developments in virology research by including information on new emerging diseases such as avian flu, SARS and West Nile and the ability of some viruses to be used as agents of bioterrorism. Edited by leading Virologists Mahy and van Regenmortel, this third edition remains the number one all-inclusive source of information for virology researchers, students, and reference departments of academic, medical, and corporate libraries.


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Kirklin-Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery, 3rd ed. 2003

Kirklin/ Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery
Nicholas T. Kouchoukos, Eugene H. Blackstone, Donald B. Doty,
Frank L. Hanley, Robert B. Karp
ISBN-10: 0443075263
ISBN-13: 978-0443075261
Churchill Livingstone

The definitive textbook in both adult and pediatric cardiac surgery is back--updated and revised in a new, 3rd Edition! It thoroughly covers the full range of new and classic surgical procedures and presents the up-to-date clinical evidence practitioners need to make effective management decisions.



Monday, February 22, 2010

Mesothelioma, 1st ed. 2002

Mesothelioma, 1st ed. 2002
Bruce W S Robinson, A Philippe Chahinian
ISBN-10: 9058231801
ISBN-13: 978-9058231802
Informa Healthcare

Mesothelioma is a multiauthored book that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the epidemiology, biology, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Edited by Drs. Bruce Robinson and Philippe Chahinian (from Perth, Australia, and New York City, respectively), the book brings together an international group of authors, most of whom are acknowledged experts on this disease. The selection of authors highlights the fact that mesothelioma, though an uncommon disease in many countries, is a considerable problem internationally. The strongest focus of the book is on the epidemiology of malignant pleural mesothelioma.



Congenital Diseases and the Environment, 2007

Congenital Diseases and the Environment, 2007
Environmental Science and Technology Library, vol-23
P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, L. Hens, and C. V. Howard
ISBN-10: 9048172047
ISBN-13: 978-9048172047
Springer Netherlands

In recent years, increasing attention and resources have been brought to bear on the relationship between the environment and congenital diseases. These diseases were previously thought to be mostly due to genetic causes. Even though the importance of genes as factors in causation is accepted, environmental factors seem to be implicated just as strongly. This book explores some further concepts that have arisen from more recent perceptions of environmental effects and their possible interactions with living systems.



Instant Notes in Immunology, 2nd ed. 2005

Instant Notes in Immunology, 2nd ed. 2005
Peter Lydyard, Alex Whelan, Michael Fanger
ISBN-10: 1859960391
ISBN-13: 978-1859960394
Taylor & Francis

If you're looking for an outline of immunology for studying, this book would be a good choice. It is easy to read and hits the high points covered by multiple choice questions on exams.



Sunday, February 21, 2010

Atlas of Migraine and Other Headaches, 2nd ed. 2005

Atlas of Migraine and Other Headaches, 2nd ed. 2005
Stephen D. Silberstein, Alan Stiles, William B. Young
ISBN-10: 1842142739
ISBN-13: 978-1842142738
Informa Healthcare

All physicians need to learn to diagnose and manage head pain. However, there are many causes of headache: some are secondary to other conditions; others are disorders in themselves. These factors often make differential diagnosis and treatment a challenge. This didactic atlas approaches the problem of migraine and other headaches from a visual perspective. The contents cover the history of migraine and headache, their epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. While the central emphasis is on migraine, all types of headache are addressed. The book includes some classic illustrations from historical texts as well as modern images that illustrate the disorders and current thinking.



Critical care obstetric, 4th ed. 2004

Critical care obstetric, 4th ed. 2004
Gary A. Dildy III and et. al.
ISBN-10: 0632046325
ISBN-13: 978-0632046324

Offers coverage in areas vital to intensive care management, including neonatal resuscitation, the organ transplant obstetrical patient, and ethical considerations. Features new material on maternal morbidity trends, and more.



Core Topics in Thoracic Anesthesia, 1st ed. 2009

Core Topics in Thoracic Anesthesia
Cait P. Searl and Sameena T. Ahmed
ISBN-10: 0521867126
ISBN-13: 978-0521867122
Cambridge University Press

Providing practical assistance to those commencing careers in thoracic anesthesia, the comprehensive content includes discussion of some of the more contentious issues in the management of thoracic patients as well as the rapid evolution of new techniques, such as lung-assist devices, different modes of ventilation and VAT surgery.



Insect Infection and Immunity: Evolution, Ecology, and Mechanisms, 1st ed. 2009

Insect Infection and Immunity: Evolution, Ecology, and Mechanisms
Jens Rolff, Stuart Reynolds
ISBN-10: 0199551367
ISBN-13: 978-0199551361
Oxford University Press, USA

Despite a burgeoning interest in the field, this is the first book to provide a coherent synthesis and is clearly structured around three broadly themed sections: mechanisms, interactions, and evolutionary ecology. This novel text adopts a truly interdisciplinary and concept-driven approach, integrating insights from immunology, molecular biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, parasitology, and epidemiology. It features contributions from an international team of leading experts who also describe the latest molecular immunological techniques.



Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 6th ed. 2004

Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases
Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin
ISBN-10: 0443066434
ISBN-13: 978-0443066436
Churchill Livingstone

"Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases is an authoritative, current reference work. It is comprehensive, and the knowledge contained is readily searchable and accessible. This book is extremely useful to clinicians due to its well thought out organization. It is a valuable reference book that contains knowledge on all aspects of infectious diseases, including their ocular manifestations.


Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 5th ed. 2000


NeuroAnalysis: Bridging The Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry , 2008

NeuroAnalysis: Bridging The Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry
Avi Peled
ISBN-10: 0415451337
ISBN-13: 978-0415451338

NeuroAnalysis investigates using the neural network and neural computation models to bridge the divide between psychology, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience when diagnosing mental health disorders and prescribing treatment.
Avi Peled builds on Freud's early attempts to explain the neural basis of mental health by introducing neural computation as a bridging science to explain psychiatric disorders. Peled describes the brain as a complex system of interconnected units and goes on to suggest that conscious experience, feelings, and mood are emergent properties arising from these complex organisations. This model describes mental health disorders in terms of perturbation to the optimal brain organisation, and demonstrates how particular disorders can be identified through a specific breakdown pattern of the brain’s organisation.



Saturday, February 20, 2010

McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Radiology, 1st ed. 2010

McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Radiology, 2010
Cheri L. Canon
McGraw-Hill Professional

An all-in-one review for the diagnostic radiology board examination complete with 1000+ Q&As! McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review: Radiology is an outstanding review for both residents-in-training and practicing radiologists. You'll find everything you need in this one comprehensive resource . . . questions, answers, detailed explanations, and targeted coverage that emphasizes key material in a simple, straightforward manner and reinforces important concepts. Everything you need to excel on the exam: More than 1000 questions with detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers Strong focus on the fundamentals of anatomy and pathophysiology An organization based on the 10 subspecialties recognized by the American Board of Radiology Important overviews of imaging-based physics for ultrasound, MRI, and nuclear medicine Content that spans the entire examination: Central Nervous System Pulmonary Cardiac Gastrointestinal Tract Genitourinary Tract Ultrasound Musculoskeletal System Breast Interventional Radiology Nuclear Radiology Pediatric.



Merritt's Neurology, 12th ed. 2010

Merritt's Neurology 12th ed. 2010
Lewis P Rowland, Timothy A Pedley
ISBN-10: 0781791863
ISBN-13: 978-0781791861
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

This revision will be the Twelfth Edition of Merritt's Neurology, first published in 1955. Houston Merritt, from Columbia, a "father" of modern neurology, was the original author, and then passed the editorial torch on to Lewis Rowland, one of his residents, for the Seventh Edition. Dr. Rowland edited the next four editions but with this Twelfth Edition, will bring on Timothy A. Pedley, Chair of the Department of Neurology at Columbia, as a co-editor and as his successor. Most of the contributors are Columbia-trained. This edition will debut at the Neurological Institute of New York's centennial in the fall of 2009. The book presents the latest neurologic findings in a crisp clinical focus that incorporates recent advances in the molecular biology of neurologic disease. Essential references direct the reader to more information.



The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 2nd ed. 2002

The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging 2nd ed.
Jerrold T. Bushberg, J. Anthony Seibert, Edwin M. Leidholdt, John M. Boone
ISBN-10: 0683301187
ISBN-13: 978-0683301182
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Textbook includes all aspects of medical imaging. Presents an understanding of the theory and applications of the science including basic concepts, X-ray imaging, ultrasound, MRI, nuclear medicine, radiation protection, radiation dosimetry, and radiation biology. Abundant illustrations.



Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, 6th ed. 2010

Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, 6th ed.
Stephen J. McPhee, Gary D. Hammer
ISBN-10: 0071621679
ISBN-13: 978-0071621670
McGraw-Hill Medical

This trusted text introduces you to clinical medicine by reviewing the pathophysiologic basis of the signs and symptoms of 100 diseases commonly encountered in medical practice. Each chapter first describes normal function of a major organ or organ system, then turns attention to the pathology and disordered physiology, including the role of genetics, immunology, and infection in pathogenesis. Underlying disease mechanisms are described, along with their systems, signs, and symptoms, and the way these mechanisms themselves determine the most effective treatment.



Friday, February 19, 2010

Dictionary of Parasitology, 2005


Dictionary of Parasitology, 2005
Peter J. Gosling
ISBN-10: 0415308550
ISBN-13: 978-0415308557
CRC Press

The Dictionary of Parasitology reflects current practice in all aspects of parasitology and includes spellings, punctuation, abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, nomenclature, prefixes, and suffixes. It covers the field of modern parasitology with concise, clear, and authoritative precision. The dictionary assigns entries of parasites to the primary divisions of parasitology: human, veterinary, plant, insect, or fish; although in many instances the area of interest may be wide-ranging.



Thursday, February 18, 2010

Advanced Medicine Recall, 1st ed. 2009

Advanced Medicine Recall, 1st ed. 2009
(Recall Series)
James D Bergin
ISBN-10: 0781776295
ISBN-13: 978-0781776295
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Advanced Medicine Recall is written primarily for fourth year medical students, sub-interns, and interns. It expands upon the core clinical specialty areas within internal medicine- cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology, infectious disease, endocrinology, allergy and immunology, rheumatology, neurology, and dermatology. This book is written in the rapid-fire question and answer format of the Recall Series, with the question on the left side of the page and the answer on the right. Mnemonics are interspersed throughout. Additional chapters in Advanced Medicine Recall include Environmental Medicine, Psychiatry, and The Consultant. The focus of the advanced material is on differential diagnosis, patient management, and disease management.



Langman's Medical Embryology, 10th ed. 2006

Langman's Medical Embryology, 10th ed
Thomas W Sadler
ISBN-10: 0781794854
ISBN-13: 978-0781794855
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

This extensively revised edition features new full-color photographs of clinical conditions and updated embryo images/photographs created using newer technologies. It also features new online USMLE-style review questions through Connection / The Point. A new introduction chapter on development includes molecular biology.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bloom & Fawcett: Concise Histology, CD-ROM

Bloom & Fawcett: Concise Histology, 2nd ed. CD-ROM
Don W. Fawcett, Ronald P. Jensh
A Hodder Arnold Publication

This new edition also comes with a free CD-ROM containing over 2000 questions and answers for self-assessment and 150 text-labelled images.



A-Z of Musculoskeletal and Trauma Radiology, 1st ed. 2008

A-Z of Musculoskeletal and Trauma Radiology, 1st ed. 2008
James R. D. Murray, Erskine J. Holmes, Rakesh R. Misra
ISBN-10: 0521700132
ISBN-13: 978-0521700139
Cambridge University Press

A-Z of Musculoskeletal and Trauma Radiology is an invaluable reference to the key aspects of imaging for all conditions of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It provides the clinician with practical guidance on the key presenting characteristics, clinical features, diagnosis and management. The description of each condition is provided in a standard template of Characteristics, Clinical Features, Radiology and Management, enabling the reader to find the relevant information quickly. All diagnostic modalities are included and a separate section is dedicated to musculoskeletal trauma.

